HS Code

Search our product database for full length HS codes, duty rates, additional taxes and compliance messaging for Tanzania, United Republic of.

Get HS code & duty rates for Tanzania, United Republic of.

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Recent Lookups

Product category Import Country
Diapers & Liners - paper / cellulose fiber Tanzania, United Republic of
Monitor Mounts - base metal Tanzania, United Republic of
T-Shirts - cotton (knitted) Tanzania, United Republic of
Printed Signs - plastic Tanzania, United Republic of
Diapers & Liners - textile wadding: other Tanzania, United Republic of
Diapers - textile: other (woven) Tanzania, United Republic of
Hammer Drills [mains powered] Tanzania, United Republic of
Trade Advertising Materials Tanzania, United Republic of

Popular products imported to Tanzania, United Republic of:

li-ion battery rechargeable camera battery knitted cotton beanie lithium battery power bank lithium-ion battery samsung inr18650 bible cotton baseball cap crocodile skin belt

Recent exports to Tanzania, United Republic of are from:

USA China United Kingdom India South Africa Germany United Arab Emirates Egypt Rwanda Nigeria Australia

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