Use our HS Code Lookup tool to get full length country specific commodity codes (HS codes), duty rates, additional taxes and compliance advice relevant to your products with a single lookup. Unlike traditional HS code lookup tools that search and present the raw tariff headings, we provide a categorised and understandable product database that leverages AI powered search to help you find your product. Behind the scenes, we combine country tariff schedules data with past rulings and interpretations of explanatory notes to ensure the content of our product database is accurately mapped to the correct HS codes and rates.
Get full length HS/HTS codes including country level statistical subdivisions.
Get duty rates, sales tax and any additional tax information specific to your HS code.
Get restricted or hazardous goods notices and carrier compliance information.
A Harmonized System code (HS code) is used to identify a product or commodity within a country's tariff schedule. HS codes must be specified for all imported goods so that the correct import duty can be collected and the relevant parties can precisely monitor the trade of goods. Most countries use a minimum of eight digits to form a code, with the first six digits being harmonised across all of World Trade Organization (WTO) member countries.
More informationProduct category | Import Country |
Coffee Tables - wood | Italy |
Bed Frames - wood | Germany |
Dresses - cotton (woven) | Germany |
Platinum Jewelry | Thailand |
Bed Frames - wood | United Kingdom |
Unupholstered Seating - wooden frame | United Kingdom |
Hammers [head weight <1.5kg] | Norway |
Acoustic Guitar Parts & Accessories | Canada |
Household Articles - glass | United Kingdom |
Scale Models - plastic / resin | United Kingdom |
Your questions, answered.
Simply select your product within our database using the category dropdowns, then provide us with a description of your product and the country you want the data for and we'll provide you with the full country level HS code, duty rates, sales tax, additional taxes and compliance messaging specific to that HS code.
Dutify covers thousands of products, but if we don't cover your product, our classification services offer an opportunity for us to add coverage for your product to all of our supported countries. To learn more about classification services, see our classification services.
Yes, Dutify includes access to our HS Lookup in all of our packages, including our free package!
Like our Landed Cost Calculator, our HS lookup tool is also available through our API. Please contact us for more information on how to get started.