HS Code

Search our product database for full length HS codes, duty rates, additional taxes and compliance messaging for Cambodia.

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Recent Lookups

Product category Import Country
Tablets Cambodia
Dresses - artificial fibers (knitted) Cambodia
Blade Server Cambodia
Tanks - cotton (knitted) Cambodia
Gold Jewelry Cambodia

Popular products imported to Cambodia:

ayn odin samsung galaxy tablet apple vision pro odin 2 steam deck oled microsoft surface book 2 gpd win max 2 meta quest 3 rog ally ayn odin 2 legion 7i pro asus rog strix g16 ipad air gold ruby ring ipad mini razor blade advanced reverb g2 gold diamond ring pico 4 lenovo tablet meta quest 2 amazon fire tablet gigabyte laptop lenovo legion 5 pro clamp

Recent exports to Cambodia are from:

Sweden USA India Hong Kong Japan Norway Thailand

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