HS Code

Search our product database for full length HS codes, duty rates, additional taxes and compliance messaging for Belgium.

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Recent Lookups

Product category Import Country
Swimwear - synthetic fibers (knitted) Belgium
Antique Furniture - wood Belgium
Trade Advertising Materials Belgium
VR Headsets Belgium
Hats - textile: cotton (knitted) Belgium
Footwear - leather upper & rubber sole Belgium
Boots, Shoes & Sandals - textile upper & rubber/plastic sole Belgium
Shorts - artificial fibers & wool / fine animal hair [>22%] (knitted) Belgium
Carpets & Textile Floor Coverings - man-made fibers Belgium
Demonstrational Exhibition Instruments, Apparatus & Models Belgium

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Recent exports to Belgium are from:

Belgium Italy USA China India Hong Kong Japan Indonesia Botswana Sri Lanka United Arab Emirates Türkiye Bosnia and Herzegovina Andorra Argentina Afghanistan Bahrain Philippines Norway Austria Cyprus Georgia Thailand Switzerland Canada

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